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 Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~

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Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
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Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ P_306inttf2
Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ P_278jhz77
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Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ P_306inttf2
Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ P_306bpnpf3
 1- Brothers, why lie? 
 2- And why make up lies and whether there is a white lie and lie black? 
 3-It will the lies and divides different colors? 
4- Is it embarrassing situations and positions that are hard for us to lie ...?
5-  Is it necessary to lie ..? 
6- Do Amellk and impose your place ... you lying? 
7- Do you have a personal role in the people we are liars? M Is society we live in an effect on us?
8- Is Manji ... Is it a destroyer of the lie ... Is there a complete or incomplete ... Is there any justification for a lie 
9-... and why ...


Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ P_3065odk84
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أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 17/12/2015

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 بالغلط *^* سوري !

عدل سابقا من قبل !♥ Ci La في 10/12/2016, 11:04 pm عدل 1 مرات
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أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 01/09/2016

Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty3/11/2016, 7:12 pm

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سُمّعتــيً بالمّنتـدىً : : 81
أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 09/07/2016

Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty3/11/2016, 7:45 pm

حجز للحبوبة
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سُمّعتــيً بالمّنتـدىً : : 44
أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 05/01/2015

Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty3/11/2016, 10:13 pm

 1- Brothers, why lie? 
There is who lying because he needs something but did not reach him just when he lie

 2- And why make up lies and whether there is a white lie and lie black?
 Yes, because there's a white lie means that the person is lying apparent As for black lie is a lieand highly secret terror because he falsely lying seriously and does not know its consequences
 3-It will the lies and divides different colors? 
yes .sure
4- Is it embarrassing situations and positions that are hard for us to lie ...?
The hardest and most difficult As we Muslims and we fear God

5-  Is it necessary to lie ..? 
no way
6- Do Amellk and impose your place ... you lying? 
7- Do you have a personal role in the people we are liars? M Is society we live in an effect on us?
Absolutely no, but the community has a very significant effect

8- Is Manji ... Is it a destroyer of the lie ... Is there a complete or incomp
lete ... Is there any justification for a lie 
There is no reason to lie at all but only the people do not fear God
9-... and why ...
Because people do not know the consequence of a liar and the day will comeand something happens to him it does not become anyone he wants
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
How are you, my sweet
I hope you are well
endowed topic
Very interesting
 I hope translational my talk and  know what i have replied
I really liked diligent work of manyu
And I hope you win

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Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty4/11/2016, 10:26 am

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سُمّعتــيً بالمّنتـدىً : : 510
أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 06/12/2013

Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty4/11/2016, 12:39 pm

يوه!كيف الحال؟بخير ان شاءالله~
عاد دخلت عشان العنوان وانصدمت من الموضوع وش الطلاسم المتطلسمه ذي :بيآن: ؟!
بالله مو الكل يعرفون انجليزي بس بجاوب على الي اعرفه xD!
 1- Brothers, why lie? 
لإخفاء الحقيقة بكل بساطة ولتزييف الوقائع~
 2- And why make up lies and whether there is a white lie and lie black? 
ما فهمت السؤال تماما الي فهمته كذبة بيضاء وسوداء :بيآن: ؟؟! اممممم ليه فيه كذبة بيضاء وسوداء xD؟
ي اخوان وش دخلني الموضوع ذء انا :بيآن: ؟ عموما مافيه كذبة بيضاء وسوداء هذي مجرد تبريرات للكذب :%3: -تنحاش-
 3-It will the lies and divides different colors? 
4- Is it embarrassing situations and positions that are hard for us to lie ...?
5-  Is it necessary to lie ..? 
هاه؟ :بيآن: 
أني واي بوقف هنا مقدر اكمل :بيآن: ! بس حبيت ارد xD!اممممم تم التقييم والموضوع جميل :بيآن: استمري 3>!
وترجمي المره الجاية xD!جانا#!
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
- آيھٓۃ .
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كبار الشخصيات VIP
- آيھٓۃ .

مسآهمـآتــيً $ : : 10639
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تقييمــيً % : : 193316
سُمّعتــيً بالمّنتـدىً : : 10756
أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 05/10/2012

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty4/11/2016, 2:07 pm

Hello ! How are you ? I hope you fine :)
I loved the idea of this topic because it's
improve our English .. let's answer now
First Ques : I think we use to lie to avoid
the punishment .. we didn't know that if
we tell the truth , We will avoid the problems 
Second Ques : LOL XD we really make up
lies , but I didn't know the reasons ..
Third - yes I think The lies will be many color
Fourth : I don't think so because there is 
no reasons to tell lies .. Truth .. truth .. truth
fifth : sometimes we led to lie .. for example
Wars. Friends reconciliation .. Wu between the couple
fifth : no .. Sixth : i did't under stand the first . But
of course the society effect as to lie !
thank u for this good and nice topic .. 
Good bye . with my best wishes
Aya .
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كبار الشخصيات VIP

مسآهمـآتــيً $ : : 2958
عُمّرـيً * : : 18
تقييمــيً % : : 46705
سُمّعتــيً بالمّنتـدىً : : 527
أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 11/11/2013

Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty18/1/2017, 9:10 pm

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Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty17/2/2017, 10:53 am

منورآت شكرا لردودكم.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
اريج دودو
وجود مُتألق
وجود مُتألق
اريج دودو

مسآهمـآتــيً $ : : 581
تقييمــيً % : : 32520
سُمّعتــيً بالمّنتـدىً : : 137
أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 17/05/2016

Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty17/2/2017, 3:44 pm

Peace, mercy and blessings of God Almighty
In the name of God the Merciful With using either after
How is God a thousand good, health and wellness
let's start???
 1- Brothers, why lie? 
Alakhutkzb because downright Amilo something wrong heck Shi
 2- And why make up lies and whether there is a white lie and lie black? 
To make it possible Hakaa
 3-It will the lies and divides different colors? 
4- Is it embarrassing situations and positions that are hard for us to lie ...? 
5-  Is it necessary to lie ..? 
6- Do Amellk and impose your place ... you lying? 
7- Do you have a personal role in the people we are liars? M Is society we live in an effect on us? 
Yes Downright his community impact
8- Is Manji ... Is it a destroyer of the lie ... Is there a complete or incomplete ... Is there any justification for a lie 
I don "t think so

9-... and why ... 
..Thank you very much for a wonderful topic
Anagd Thread liked Ktaeyeeyeeyer
May Allah bless you
may Allah rewards you
goodbye My Love
In Amanullah
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ريافي .
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كبار الشخصيات VIP
ريافي .

مسآهمـآتــيً $ : : 5567
عُمّرـيً * : : 22
تقييمــيً % : : 59001
سُمّعتــيً بالمّنتـدىً : : 911
أنضمآمـيً للمنتـدىً : : 13/02/2013

Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~   Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~ Empty20/2/2017, 11:05 pm

Hey .. how are you ? i hope you are fine ..
Wow ! nice topic and unusual ..
my answers :
1- Or to hide the truth for fear of strife and other
2- There are no so-called black or white lie :%3: 
3- yes .. sure 
4- Yes, especially if it is so difficult to do yourself a favor then lying
5- No, not necessary 
6- i don‘t know .. mm think no
7- Absolutely no, but the community has a very significant effect
8- There is no reason to lie at all but only the people do not fear God
Thank you for your subject
Bye ..
:خ2: :منب:
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Why do we lie..؟ معسكككر الارواححح ~
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» عندما تنتهي علاقة حب هل تموت الغيرهه؟!..معسسسكككر الارواححح

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